Saturday, September 20, 2008

Is the economy hurting your business?

Just wondering how many online businesses are being hurt by our economy. I know my sales have gone down over the last few months, and am wondering if is because of the financial situation in our country. Lets hope whatever "Bail Out" is coming from the government, will actually help the average person in our country and not just the super rich and the large companies.

I see it like this, if the government wants to use our tax dollars to bail out all these big companies, they would be better off paying off every mortgage in the country, (which would still help all of these banks that are failing), and actually helping the American people. If they want to truly help 'Main Street', they need to start by actually helping those who live and work on Main Street.

Think of the jump start our country would get if they paid off mortgages. Just wipe the slate clean, pay off all our house debts with OUR tax dollars and help the big companies that way. It's a win win situation. We win, the investors win, and Americans can breath easy again!

Just my 2 cents!!

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