Friday, September 12, 2008

Now is the time to prepare for Christmas Sales!

Now that fall is upon us, it is time to start preparing for your Christmas sales. This may seem early to some of you, but if you want to be selling at Christmas time, now is the time to find your products, drop shippers and so on.

Figure out what exactly your sales strategy will be and find those suppliers (if you haven't already). You'll notice that most stores are now carrying fall items, most wholesalers are pushing Christmas items, and drop shippers have both.

If you are new to this whole thing, this is the time to source your products, and get your acccounts set up with wholesalers and drop shippers. Try and sell a few items before the holiday season approaches, this way you are better prepared once the selling season comes around. Ask your suppliers all the questions NOW, don't wait until the busy season!

Let's hope this economy turns around so we can all have a great sales period in the upcoming months.

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